Identification of the Data Controller:
Purpose of the treatment:
In accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679, of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27, 2016, regarding natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data (GDPR); to Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights; and other current Spanish regulations on data protection, we inform you that your personal data will be incorporated into the Data Protection System of the Real Madrid Foundation. Their treatment will have the purpose of managing their participation in the Real Madrid Foundation Campus Experience, which is registered, including the management of payment and / or collection, the management of complementary activities and the management of the insurance associated with activity.
Likewise, during the registration process, you may give your consent for the treatment and transfer of the data that identifies you.
In the case of capture and treatment of the image and / or voice of the beneficiary, in accordance with Organic Law 1/1982, of May, on Civil Protection of Rights to Honor, Personal Privacy and Own Image, you, or where appropriate , your legal representative must give your express consent by checking the corresponding box in consents. You are informed, in order to comply with the provisions of the aforementioned Organic Law 1/1982, the consent of minors and the incapacitated must be given by themselves if their conditions of maturity allow it, in accordance with civil legislation. In the remaining cases, consent must be granted in writing by their legal representative, who will be obliged to inform the Public Prosecutor of the projected consent in advance.The refusal of the affected person, or where appropriate, of his legal representative to give his consent for the recording of his voice and image and the processing of these data, automatically implies the impossibility of participating in those recordings or taking of images that the Real Madrid Foundation.
The data will be kept for the duration of the consent, or where appropriate, the legal time established for each of the legal obligations that derive from the treatments for which it has been consented.
Legitimation for the processing of your data:
The legal basis for the processing of your data is the consent of the user and / or their legal representative to voluntarily enroll in the Real Madrid Foundation Campus Experience.
The data may only be used for the purposes set out in the previous section, in accordance with the principles of transparency and purpose limitation.
Communication or transfer of data
The data may be transferred to Sanitas (more information in the policy and general conditions) and to other insurance entities, if any, in order to be able to include you in the insurance of the activity. (exclusive during the campus you attend); to Real Madrid C.F. for verification of membership numbers and/or Madridista card provided by you during registration. Likewise, if necessary, the data may be transferred to all those external entities that are necessary for the correct development of the Real Madrid Foundation Campus Experience Campus and Sports Events and other entities for access control to the facilities, residence, swimming pool, etc. if necessary. For the production of audiovisual content for the Real Madrid Foundation, there may be, in some cases, Treatment Managers who participate in the design or development of content for the Real Madrid Foundation and whose legitimacy in the treatment is in the consent for the treatment of the personal data including image and / or voice. They may also be transferred to the Public Treasury and other institutions in order to comply with current regulations in fiscal and legal matters and when required by law.
During the registration process, you may authorize the processing and transfer of your personal data.
In the terms established in the regulations on data protection, you can revoke at any time the authorization granted for the treatment and transfer of personal data, as well as exercise the rights of access, rectification, opposition, limitation, deletion, portability no longer be subject to automated decisions by writing to the Real Madrid Foundation (Fuerzas Armadas avenue, 402, 28055 from Madrid) or contacting via email: or through our Data Protection Officer: Persevera, S.L.U. (
Likewise, we inform you of the right to file a claim with the Control Authority, Spanish Agency for Data Protection.
The personal data that we treat at REAL MADRID FOUNDATION come from the interested party and / or their legal representatives.