Social skills can be defined as those behaviors and actions that are carried out when interacting with other people in a productive way, that is, we feel satisfied. These skills allow us to relate to our environment and be able to adapt to all kinds of situations. Not all people develop them in the same way. For this reason, the Campus Experience Real Madrid Foundation works with children to develop these social skills thanks to sport.
In this sense, sport is a fundamental tool, as it helps these social skills to develop from the beginning. Therefore, from Campus Experience Real Madrid Foundation we point out the social skills that children can exploit to the maximum and help them overcome any obstacle:
- Incorporate discipline: one of the most important values that sport inculcates is discipline. In this way, children learn to work to achieve their goals. From the outset, boys and girls learn to know and respect the rules and regulations of each sport. A fundamental skill to be acquired from an early age and applied to your future.
- Develop active listening: a basic element when it comes to team sports. Thanks to sport, they learn to listen to the coach, thus correcting their mistakes, respecting their decisions and those of their peers and learning to take criticism. Something that will help them improve as athletes.
- Express your feelings: from an early age you must learn to express your opinions and feelings, always with respect and education, it is essential that you tell your colleagues, coaches or referees what they want or what they think is unfair. This is something that many young people see as a important barrier.
- Interacting with others: Group sports are a direct way to break down barriers and difficulties in interacting with others. Thanks to this sport they must interact with their peers, coaches and all members who are part of the community. In addition, it is not only a step for the little ones to take, from the campus itself this integration is encouraged, but also coaches, technicians, psychologists, pedagogues must
It is important to put an end to the fears and brakes that children may have, to teach them to know themselves in order to put an end to their fears. If it is done from an early age there will be nothing to stop them in the future.
At Campus Experience Real Madrid Foundation we have expert psychologists and pedagogues who will attend and accompany children throughout their journey as athletes. If you want to know more information and all the features of our programs click on: