Why the lack of presence of the female figure in the elite of football and how to reverse it?
Although every year the situation improves, the truth is that in the world of sports in general, and football in particular, the female figure (especially in the elite) still shines for its absence in all states, since the field to the offices. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out an analysis that explains the reasons why the role of women in elite sport as soccer is so reduced, since just in this way can implemented mesures that help the female figure have the place it deserves.
In Campus Experience Real Madrid Foundation we count quality training programs in which the participates, regardless of their gender, share the same playing field and grow at the same time that they are formed in values necessary for day-to-day life such as respect, solidarity, teamwork, etc.
In this way, football has greatly helped to visualize what a change in mentality is necessary in relation to the perception of women in this and other sports. The increase in the practice of this sport by women, according to FIFA, around 13.36 million girls and women who play football in an organized manner in their member federations, has been crucial to accelerate the necessary changes in football. In this way, this sport helps to promote equality and eliminate the barriers and differences that may exist between male and female football, thus becoming a universal sport that doesn’t understand gender, age, race, etc.
These programs, in addition, are to solve some of the main obstacles that hinder the presence of the female figure in football, such as:
- Shortage of football development opportunities: The lack of opportunities to be able to train and dedicate to football professionally makes the presence of women in the elite in sports such as football still scarce. In this sense, quarry work is essential, as it offers today’s girls the possibility to train and develop their technical and tactical skills to become the stars of tomorrow.
- Difficulties for integration: The creation of stereotypes in society is transferred to sport, and the general vision of elite sport, especially football, as something mostly masculine hinders the integration of the female figure. However, our campuses receive more and more girls, which allows us to break down barriers and stereotypes and teach participants that in sport (as in many other ambits of life), the quality doesn’t depend on gender, so everyone it has the same possibilities to develop theirselves.
- Lack of female figure models to follow: On the other hand, to reverse the current situation it is vital that the female figure in football being one of the usual conversational topics in the sports press, since the great references of sport serve as inspiration for new generations that want to follow their footsteps. It is clear that there had always have female athletes, but it is essential that they appear in the center of the medical focus of the media, as well as a greater relevance for sponsors.
Definetly, there is no doubt that the road ahead is long and there are many initiatives that can be taken to promote the figure of women’s football in Spain. For this, education in values from the hand of sport from an early age is key to a bright future, and this is something we do very well at the Campus Experience Foundation Real Madrid. If you want to know more about our training programs, please click here.