How does sport help children with Autism Spectrum Disorder?


On April 2, World Autism Awareness Day is celebrated, which aims to improve the quality of life and integration of both the child and adult population suffering from this disability and thus be able to provide them with a better quality of life. This disability affects the neurological development of the individuals who suffer from it and it is externalized in the early stages of childhood. It is characterized by being a condition that affects the relationship with the outside world, contact with people in the environment and verbal communication problems. In this sense, at Campus Experience Real Madrid Foundation we believe that sport is one of the fundamental tools for children suffering from this disorder.

For this reason, from Campus Experience Real Madrid Foundation we point out that the practice of a sports discipline helps to:

  • Improve overall health.
  • Decrease stress.
  • Increase motor skills.
  • Build self confidence.
  • Helps to display individual and social skills.

In this way, any sport is welcome so that boys and girls suffering from Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), can have a sporting experience and achieve better interaction with the environment, be it football, basketball, swimming, athletics, etc. . At Campus Experience, we keep in mind that we must always adapt to them and adjust the activities to the abilities and skills of the individual.

For this reason, we highlight three points to keep in mind before introducing any sport to anyone with ASD:

  • Maintain special attention in physical care: it is essential to be very vigilant when practicing any type of sport, since boys and girls with ASD tend to experience fatigue more easily, without real awareness of what happens to them, according to Red Cenit.
  • Choose individual sports: at first it is recommended to help the person get used to a certain sport, and then move on to another sport where there is interaction with more boys and girls.
  • Choose individual sports: at first it is recommended to help the person get used to a certain sport, and then move on to another sport where there is interaction with more boys and girls. planificadas, donde quede bien delimitado el comienzo y final de esta.

In this way, we believe that sport is presented as a key means for children with ASD to begin a transformation process through which new behaviors and skills will be generated, resulting in an improvement in their quality of life.

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